Why You Don’t Have To Be Superwoman

“…Social media is just a series of carefully curated moments. We never know about the shadows that linger…”

“People don’t fake depression. They fake being okay.”

“Black Girl Magic has been so distorted…Who are we to ask for help? … Black women… this so called strength is not magic if it is killing you.”

“We are trying to hold up others while suppressing our own demons that manifest in ways that are detrimental to our mental and physical health. We smile when all we want to do is cry. We say we are fine when we are not.”

“I am challenging Black women to reclaim you. Reclaim yourself. Find your peace and your center. Reclaim the true meaning of self-care… As Audre Lorde said, “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence; it is self-preservation…”

- Hannah L. Drake, from her essay “Black Women, It Is Okay To Let Go Of Your Cape”






#Hope #RisingHope



International House

23 years ago, when I was accepted into the MBA program at Queen's University in Ontario, Canada, I applied to live at International House, a 10-bedroom house that the University designated as housing for 10 female post-graduate students - 5 Canadian and 5 international students.

Queen's MBA - one of the most sought after MBA programs in Canada - was an exhilarating experience in itself.

But 23 years down the line, I can say without reservation that living at International House was one of the most profound experiences of my life.

For 2 years, I was privileged to be housemates  with 9 amazing women who were pursuing Master's or PhD degrees in Business, Law, Arts, Sciences, Medicine, Physical Therapy and Computer Science.

Talk about diversity! My housemates included Janewa from Ghana/Canada, Medha from India, Bilkiss from Mauritius, Angela (also my coursemate) from Hong Kong/Canada, Satomi from Japan, Diana from Palestine/Canada, Hwee Hwee from Singapore, Noorshina from Canada/Uganda/England,Christine from Eastern Canada Yan from Hong Kong/Canada and several more wonderful ladies. Wendy from Hong Kong/Canada was coursemates with Angela and me, and visited frequently.

International House could have so easily become "Faction House", with housemates divided along the lines of politics, religion, ethnicity etc, etc, etc. But we got along beautifully! Note, I didnt say perfectly.

I can confidently say that during my time at International House, each housemate came in with an open mind and open heart. We truly sought to learn about each other and to get along.

I introduced my housemates to jollof rice and kelewele, while I learned to love sushi and dimsum and buk choy.

There was never a dull moment at International House. On any given day, I would come home from class and my evenings could be spent as follows: I might go with medical student Noorshina to the gym to get work-out tips. Or I might have Angela teach me accounting. Or listen, spellbound to Diana or Janewa, now both outstanding lawyers, as they discussed pertinent issues of the times. Or be inspired by Biology PhD student Hweehwee's pragmatic wisdom. Or be awed at how Satomi, a Japanese diplomat, juggled her course load with work. Or maybe just all of us hanging out together while Medha, made us made the most delectable-tasting cardimum/cinnamon tea. Medha found the time to mother us all, while keeping up with her busy teaching load at the School of Computing and finishing up her PhD thesis!

Every day was special at International House. And I believe it was  because WE had the right attitudes. The reality was that was too much diversity among us housemates for us to conceivably have agreed on everything.

But WE made it work. How I wish that Queen's University International House, 1993-95, was a microcosm of our world today!!

Please hear me out. I don't claim to have all the answers to the world's complex problems.

But what I am saying is that WE ALL have a part to play.

Technology has transformed our world. The power of Social Media allows global breaking news to reach any of us within minutes. And even live in real time!

There are many benefits. We get to enjoy events and celebrate accomplishments taking place thousands of miles away.

And because people are literally getting caught with their pants down, pictorial and video evidence may make it easier to nab people and to hold them accountable for their actions.

But I also see a dangerous trend taking hold and reaching fever pitch:

1. Tragic News Overload.

2. Intolerant, Inaccurate, Insulting, Bigoted Commentary Exposure Overload.

People have no filter on social media. I think it has become worse since the advent of apps like Periscope and FB Live.

Listen, over-exposure to news of tragic events and bigoted commentary affects all of  us. But the less mentally-stable among us ARE LITERALLY breaking down! They cannot handle feelings of being judged, or ostracized or treated unfairly. Or they buy into sentiments that make them feel justified to judge or ostracize others or kill others. Then they begin to see themselves as some kind of messiah for their cause.

These people do not have the coping skills to deal with their fear and anger and resentment. They are unable to put it into any kind of rational perspective.

So, acting alone, they buy arms and bombs. Horrifically killing large crowds of people.

Or, acting alone, they drive trucks into a large crowd of innocent bystanders. Horrifically killing large crowds of people.

A few months ago, I innocently followed a FB link to the profile of a man who used the word 'nigger' in EVERY single one of his vile FB posts. I would rather not describe the rage that welled up within me when I read them.

My point? We are all entitled to our opinions. BUT PLEASE, be responsible and respectful with how you express yourself on social media.

Your mindless comment could unfortunately be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Your mindless comment could trigger a mentally ill person to commit atrocities.

Every tragedy in the world is our collective tragedy.

It is OUR world.



Mike Tyson's White Tigers

Do you often feel drained? Not enough energy to get important things accomplished? Well I just read an article by Elizabeth Gilbert (author of Eat, Love, Pray) that got me thinking.

Maybe the problem isn't your metabolism or thyroid or diet. It could be about Mike Tyson's white tigers!

Boxing great Mike Tyson at some point owned 2 white tigers. He even did a photo shoot with one of his tigers. Mike, draped in nothing but loin cloth; oiled muscles gleaming in the sun, holding on to his tiger with a chain leash. Man asserting dominance over glorious beast. The ultimate status symbol.

I imagine that the intent was to make Mike look powerful and majestic by putting him next to a powerful and majestic animal. But apparently Mike just looked tired. (Disclaimer: I haven't seen that photo!).

Why is this tidbit of information remotely relevant to your life? Well, because Mike says he is now broke. After a career with mega highs that earned him millions of dollars.

He apparently bought six mansions, over 100 luxury vehicles and even purchased a gold two million dollar bathtub!

Oh, and also those 2 magnificent white tigers.

The point of this post isnt to bash Mike Tyson. Yet here is the thing - though Mike says he is broke now, the reality is that he earned plenty of money in his boxing career. But he chose to spend it foolishly.

Likewise even though we complain about being drained, perhaps the problem isn't really that we have "low energy". The real culprit might be that we are expending our energy foolishly!

On unhealthy relationships, toxic friendships, addictions, trying to keep up with the Joneses, pretending to be something we are not.

These are all energy-depleters and life-wasters!

Figuratively, they are like Mike Tyson's white tigers. We fool ourselves into believing that we need them. We chain ourselves to them; fixating our attention on them. And we use up all our energy trying to maintain them.

And just like Mike squandered his money on useless things, ultimately, those white tigers in our lives will bankrupt us spiritually, emotionally and physically.

How to get out of this dysfunctional rut? Do some soul-searching. Stop lying to yourself. Identify those white tigers in your life. Unchain yourself from them.

Once those negative energy-busters are gone, watch your energy and creativity flow back!


So pay close attention to how you live—not as unwise people but as wise. Make the most of your time because the days are evil.  

Ephesians 5:15-16

(Source: "If She Hollers" by Elizabeth Gilbert)


This Thing Called Free Will

Free Will - the ability we have to choose - is a precious gift that God in His infinite wisdom, gave to human beings.

Because of Free Will, is it surprising that people have chosen to look different, live different, love different, work different, play different, vote different and pray different??

So what lesson did God want us to learn by putting us in a world alongside people who are different (sometimes radically so) from us? With some people whose viewpoints and lifestyles simply irk and/or offend us??

Could perhaps God want us to learn Tolerance, Compassion, Kindness and Unconditional Love??!??

Could perhaps God desire that we learn to override our innate predatory human inclinations and learn to love people unconditionally?!? As Christ loves us?

Pastor Rick Warren said this:

"Our culture has accepted two huge lies. The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don’t have to compromise convictions to be compassionate."

Jesus loved unconditionally, and it was the power of love and kindness that compelled people to accept Christ as their Savior!!

Listen. It is inevitable that at some point, you will disagree with someone’s lifestyle, sexual orientation, politics or faith system.

But does that make it okay to spew divisiveness and hate? No, it does not. Yet many of us do. Daily. Often unwittingly.


Because it is precisely those everyday droplets of intolerance - through our words, through our body language and through the silly, uninformed commentary that we circulate on social media - which eventually grow into the mighty sea of hatred and divisiveness that we are experiencing in our world today!!!!

Take intolerance, let it stew till it generates rejection and hatred, mix in a large dose of religious extremism, and then stuff them into an individual who is mentally unstable. Sprinkle in the sick individual's access to deadly weapons. Voila! The perfect trigger has been generated to initiate a senseless attack on innocent people.

This weekend has been horrendous here in Orlando in the aftermath of the Orlando Massacre.  Tragic. Senseless. Yet today will be even more tragic if we fail to learn this important lesson from today:

We ALL have a role to play. EVERYTHING  we say and do affects this world that we live in. We may think that what you do is inconsequential; like a drop of food coloring in a swimming pool. But you DO have an effect! And small behavior changes we each make, collectively will have a significant effect!

God gave you the Free Will to impact the world that you live in. What will your impact be? Hatred or love? The choice is all yours...







Get Understanding

I had a great chat with my sister-friend today. We vented, laughed at ourselves and encouraged each other. Afterwards, I felt so empowered.

My take-away was simple but profound: if you are not seeing eye-to-eye with a loved one on an issue, then the problem is essentially one of UNDERSTANDING.

Often we make the mistake of mixing incomplete information with our assumptions and then arriving at an inaccurate conclusion. That is called a confabulation. Confabulations sabotage us and our relationships.

How To Get Understanding:

1. Check your assumptions: Ask questions! Dialogue!

2. Empathize: Put yourself in the person's shoes and imagine how they would feel.

3. Ask God for Understanding: The Holy Spirit provides us with the spirit of  Understanding, with Wisdom, so that we do not judge people or situations. It is a gift.



"The Spirit of wisdom and understanding." Isaiah 11:2

"...And in all your getting, get understanding." Proverbs 4:7


Lord, Slap All My Enemies in the Face!!!

My personal experience of the Word of God is that it teaches me, soothes me and empowers me to make positive changes to my life.

This morning, however, reading the Word of God also made me laugh out loud in mirth! I had been reading Psalm 3, written by David:

"But You, O Lord , are  a shield for me,
My glory and the One who lifts up my head. 

I cried to the Lord with my voice, And He heard me from His holy hill. (Selah)

I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustained me."

As I continued, I got to verse 7:

 "Arise, O Lord ; Save me, O my God! For You have struck all my enemies on the cheekbone..."

Huh? I thought that there had to be some bible-fancy meaning to the phrase "[strike] all my enemies on the cheekbone", right?

So in my curiosity, I looked up a modern translation of that verse:

"Arise, O  lord ! Rescue me, my God! Slap all my enemies in the face!"

Upon reading that, I honestly could not help but burst out laughing. I pictured my 'enemy' walking down the street, being completely blindsided by a Powerful, Invisible Force giving them a THOROUGH air-slapping on my behalf!

Well, I couldn't tell you if that is exactly how God operates, but the verse served to remind me of some powerful truths:

  1. God is always looking out for me and protecting me.
  2. God always has my back, even when the situation is dire or tragic.
  3. When I call out to God, He answers.
  4. God fights my battles, if I let Him.

Therefore I don't need to stress and strive unnecessarily! My job is to be the best me that God created me to be, with Him as my Rock, my Compass and my Guide as we navigate the sometimes choppy waters of life together.

So watch out, you enemies, frenemies, criticisers, backbiters and naysayers!! Watch out, powers, principalities and all spiritual enemies of my life!! Watch out, all you emotional enemies of defeat, despair and discouragement!!

Do you KNOW who I am? And more importantly, do you KNOW who my Father is??

Enemies, get out of my way and stop aggravating me!!! Or else, prepare to be (air or otherwise) SLAPPED in the face by my Father!!

Enemies, consider yourselves warned!!



A few days ago, my family, out of the blue began to quote the things that they say I say the most.

I initially pretended not to listen, hoping that they would back off. But then curiosity got the better of me, so I asked them to list my 20 most used phrases.

Without missing a beat, they began to quote me. In no time, they came up with a list of 20 quotes.

Here is a sampling:

"Archieeeee!!" (in a shrill voice)

"I KNOW you guys heard me calling you!"

"Go ahead!" (in response to which my kids have discovered that it's best to abort the intended action)

"Has anyone seen my glasses?" (an almost daily occurrence)

"My phone is dead!" (despite owning numerous chargers as well as a power bank)

"I just want to look at the desert menu!" (after I've announced that I'm "so full")

"I over-ate."
"I'm going on a diet."
"I need to get back to the gym."

"Wake me up in 10 minutes, ok?" (never works!)

"I'm ONE person!"
"I'm not a robot!"

It was hilarious, watching them go back and forth, imitating even my mannerisms and tone of voice.

But then I realized that something important was emerging from this simple exercise - I was able to stand back and see myself in a way I never had the opportunity to do before.

My most often used phrases were in every sense of the word, a direct reflection of me! My humor, my wit, my quirks...

My quotes also reflected the areas of my life where I struggle, like maintaining a healthy diet and work-out regimen. And hearing my quotes was a great way to call me out for my displays of impatience and sarcasm!

I was also kind of disappointed. I like to think that I say lots of wise and encouraging things every day. Yet my "wise and encouraging" words didn't dominate their Top 20 list.

But then I realized that this was precisely the beauty of doing this exercise with my nearest and dearest!! Because they are the people who know me best. They are the ones who see me in my unguarded moments.

And through them, I received a gift that was just priceless; the gift of self-insight.

It's a well-established principle in psychology that a person's thoughts directly influence their emotions and their actions. And the Word of God teaches this. "...for his mouth speaks from the overflow of his heart.." (Luke 6:45)

My top 20 list was clear evidence of this. My words were a product of my thoughts. And through my words I could identify my stressors as well as the behaviors that detract me from walking in the purpose that God has ordained for me.

So now, armed with this new insight, I was faced with a decision. Continue as is? Or begin a process of changing the behaviors that don't serve me well?

The ball is in my court, and I'm happy to report that I'm choosing to work on my flaws.

It's a great exercise - try it out!


OFF-GUARD: The Death of David Bowie

Monday January 11, 2016 

I woke to the news of the death of David Bowie. I was caught off-guard; I never knew he was ill. 

But then David has always got me off-guard.

I was never a fan of David Bowie. He seemed too 'wild' for my liking. But growing up as a teenager in 1980's  London, too many of my friends were totally and fanatically in love with him, and eventually I began to pay attention to his personality and his music. 

David and his music transcended categories and defied stereotypes. 

Everything about him was unique and fascinating, even down to the fact that his eyes were 2 different colors. 

He was a man of contrasts, and I couldn’t reconcile how this apparently wild rocker person also wrote a song as deep and sensitive as  "Let's Dance". I remember watching the video for "Let's Dance" as a 15 year old, with tears in my eyes, as the girl in the video "...put on her red shoes to dance away the blues...".  I didn't expect that from David!

I was equally surprised at his 23 year apparently happy marriage to the Somalian supermodel Iman. To me, they were like chalk and cheese. I didn't get it, yet their union endured and was clearly a miracle in the showbiz world. 

I didnt have much to do with David for a couple of decades. Then our paths crossed again a couple of years ago. By this time my son had become a teenager with a broad and eclectic taste in music (aka how is a black boy like you interested in THAT music?! 😜).

The song was called "Space Oddity". It's about an astronaut called Major Tom, floating through space. Major Tom was celebrated and a celebrity, but he loses his connection with Ground Control and slowly slips away into oblivion and certain death.

"Space Oddity" was apparently a symbolic autobiography, that he wrote in 1969. David was actually describing his own success, celebrity and downward spiral as a result of drugs.

The lyrics of "Space Oddity" are so poignant today:

"For here

Am I sitting in a tin can

Far above the world

Planet Earth is blue

And there's nothing I can do

Though I'm fast one hundred thousand miles

I'm feeling very still

And I think my spaceship knows which way to go

Tell my wife I love her very much (she knows!)

Ground Control to Major Tom

Your circuit's dead, there's something wrong

Can you hear me, Major Tom?..."

You never ceased to catch me off-guard, David Bowie. 

Your genius taught me that we should never judge a book by it's cover.

Rest in Peace. 

From your biggest 'non'-fan. 




I had honestly decided to just skip making any resolutions for this year. For the past few years it was the same story; different years, but the same list. Unaccomplished goals. Challenges and disappointments...

I was feeling uninspired and stuck.

But in the dying minutes of 2015, a young lady sang a song that revved me back to Hope mode.

The song was "When You Believe" by Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey.

After listening to the song, I found myself filled with new hope and by midnight, I had generated my list of my resolutions, my hopes and my dreams for 2016.


"Many nights we've prayed

With no proof anyone could hear

In our hearts, a hopeful song

We barely understood


Now we are not afraid

Although we know there's much to fear

We were moving mountains long

Before we knew we could, oh yes


There can be miracles when you believe

Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill

Who knows what miracles you can achieve

When you believe, somehow you will

You will when you believe..."

Here is what I will do; I will do myself a favor and spend time researching how to set realistic goals that I can stick to. There is a wealth of resources out there that I can easily access. I owe it to myself to find what works for ME.

But most importantly, armed with a new list, new knowledge, and above all, a renewed Hope, I am facing 2016 with the full expectation that all things are possible!

As the song says: "...who knows what miracles you can achieve? When you believe, somehow you will..."

I believe!!! I command you to be good to me, 2016!  

And to everyone reading this post, as my bestie Sarah always tells me: "may God absolutely bless your socks off" in 2016!!!

Happy New Year, everyone!


Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts... (Romans 5:5)





A few years ago, I went through a difficult period. And one day, feeling particularly overwhelmed, I did what any mature, confident, wise woman would do - I called my Daddy on the phone and cried my heart out! 😄

I don't recall much of the conversation beyond the fact that my words came tumbling out in between my deep, breathless sobs. 

But I do remember this. My father listened sympathetically. And then, in his usual quiet wisdom, he uttered a simple phrase to me that forever changed my life:

"The worst is over."

In that emotional moment, my disbelieving critical mind wanted to scream and ask him how he knew that.

But I didn't. Because in that moment I could already feel the effect, like a healing balm flowing over my wounded soul. 

It was Hope. Hope rising.

I decided to cling to Hope. In any case, I had nothing to lose, since my options were limited anyway. 

My situation  didn't immediately change after that conversation, but that conversation marked a clear turning point.

My father was right: the worst was indeed over. Things started to better because I started to get better. And I started to get better because I began to Hope. 

One definition of Hope is this: "a person or thing that may help or save someone". (For e.g. "surgery is his only hope...")

Here is what I believe: Hope in itself is the thing that will help you or save you!!

In my opinion, if you can predict a positive outcome of something, then it's merely a prediction. 

But hope perseveres, even when prospects seem dim to the natural eye. 

Hope involves surrender to God's will and perfect plan for your life.

Hope believes that God is on your side; even if you created the mess in the first place.

Hope trusts that God will bring the best possible outcome to a situation.  It may not be an outcome you expect or necessarily want, but in the fullness of time you will realize the beauty of God's plan, and you will see that it all worked together for your good. Even the very unpleasant things.

Hope enables you to quit moping and start living! 

Hope empowers you to do the right thing. And to take steps that will propel you to victory.

It starts with Hope.

Are you going through a tough time? 

Then choose Hope!


Romans 8: 24-25

For we were saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance. 


 "The Worst Is Over"

 "The Worst Is Over"


I recently had a conversation with someone who had just gone through a breakup that devastated her. 

This person had had a difficult romantic history, and when this man came into her life, she was incredibly excited! He seemed like the "perfect guy".

They fell in love quickly, and quickly began to merge their lives and their families...

The particular argument that led to the breakup in itself didn't seem like anything too serious. Looking back, though, she realized that it was also very much about  how they argued. 

Nevertheless she was completely blindsided by the breakup! She had assumed that as in previous occasions, this argument would blow over in a few days. 

So the shock and grief of the breakup hit her hard. Extremely hard. 

She felt sorry for herself. She felt pained that she had  such 'bad luck' with men.

As we spoke, though, she came to the realization that a big part of what she was actually mourning was the loss of an ideal; of finding the "perfect" guy and having the "perfect" relationship. 

The truth, she came to realize was that the relationship they had was FAR from "perfect". 

And not only was it time for her to face reality, but it was also time for her to take ownership of the role she had been playing in propagating an unhealthy relationship.

In short, she realized that there were  areas of her life where she needed to heal, areas where she needed to grow, and wisdom she needed to acquire. 

Without addressing those areas, she is likely to find herself in yet another relationship with the SAME unhealthy patterns. 

The breakthrough came with the realization that it was time for her to begin to deal with some of her lifelong issues. 

As for the future of that relationship, who knows? Perhaps they will one day find themselves back in each others arms. Or perhaps not. 

But her happiness moving forward, will depend on how she uses this newly single season of her life to heal and grow and rebuild. 

Or she could fail to appreciate the significance of this season of her life. She could blame "bad luck with men" for her problems, and jump to the next relationship, hoping that this time she will have found the 'perfect' guy.

Nature operates in seasons, spring time is usually the optimal time for planting; autumn for harvest. Many fruits and plants are seasonal - if planted in the right season, a plant grows best and gives its best yield. 

If planted in the wrong season, plants fail to thrive. 

Our lives also operate in seasons. Throughout birth through childhood, teen years and adulthood, there are seasonal activities and tasks and lessons that we must learn and master. Only then do we successfully move on to the next phase of our lives.

Our lives become complicated when we fail to learn the lessons from previous seasons. However life does bring us the opportunity to learn those lessons. 

I call them the 'Rewind & Repair Seasons'. They are built into the cycle of our lives.

In the 'Rewind & Repair Seasons', we may have to backtrack a bit. We may have to unlearn bad habits. And learn new healthy habits.  In this season we may have to modify or even discontinue certain relationships. 

It can be a scary time. But it is important to believe that all things WILL work out in the long run. 

Just stay the course of the season of your life. Pay attention to the lessons that life is trying to teach you in that particular time and season.

Life flows when we understand and honor the seasons of our lives. Otherwise we will find ourselves stuck in the same frustrating cycles of issues we have not addressed.

The bible says that there is a season to everything and a time for every activity in this life. Some examples (from Ecclesiastes 3):

  • A time to plant and a time to harvest...
  • A time to tear down and a time to build up...
  • A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones...
  • A time to search and a time to quit searching...
  • A time to tear and a time to mend...
  • A time to be quiet and a time to speak...

Do you really know what season you are in? 

One good question to ask yourself today is this: 


What time is it? 




This morning I switched from my usual morning radio station because, quite frankly, 10 minutes of non-stop christmas carols was more than I was willing to listen to today.

But boy, I'm sure glad I did change the station. Because I then heard this wonderful illustration on self-worth that I can't resist sharing:

If somebody were to offer you a $20 bill, you would take it, wouldn't you? Of course you would. One can do a lot with a $20 bill. 

But chances are, that particular $20 bill has seen a lot of bad. It may have been used in a drug deal gone bad, where someone was killed. Or it may have been used to fund a terrorist organization. Any number of things could have to done to, or with that particular $20 bill.

But if it were offered to you, wouldn't you still take it? After all, why not? It's still worth $20! 

A higher authority gave that $20 bill its value, and nothing can take that away. No matter what that particular $20 bill has been used for or involved in, in times past.

Same with us. Nothing we have done and nothing we have been through, changes our worth. This worth was built into us; conferred on us by God. 

Someone with a higher authority than you, gave you your value. Your value is built into you. NOTHING you have done, or been through, can take that away!! 

You were born with immeasurable value. And that value has not diminished. Not in the least. 

Now that is something worth remembering!!



The day itself, 25 years ago today, was remarkably unremarkable. In fact the only thing I remember from that day was the Near-Incident.

I was a university student, majoring in Biochemistry with Chemistry. It was a period where I was starting to re-think my career path in science, because I had realized that I just didn’t enjoy lab work.

Anyway, that afternoon, I was doing a chemistry experiment and honestly wishing I could be anywhere else in the world but there. I needed to rinse off my glassware, so I robotically picked up a bottle of distilled water that was at a nearby station and took it to the sink…

As a big splash of liquid hit the wet sink, the big ‘whoosh’ of effervescence made it abundantly clear to me that I had made a terrible mistake.

It turned out that the bottle in my hand did not in fact contain distilled water, but Aqua Regia, a highly concentrated and corrosive acid that is supposed to be handled with protective gear, including lab coat, safety goggles and acid-resistant gloves. None of which I was wearing!

I set the bottle down in shock, as the magnitude of what had just happened began to dawn on me. Even though I had been careless, NOT A DROP of acid had splashed on my hands, or my skin, or my eyes, or my clothes!!! Nor was there any property damage.

The outcome could have been very, very different...

This was a humbling experience for me. It is one incident in my life where I experienced the pure Mercy of God, despite my shortcomings.

There have since been many, many occasions in my life when I have experienced the mercy, the deliverance, the protection, the compassion, the goodness, and the favor of God. Often in spite of a mess I created. Sometimes I was the innocent party.  Or sometimes it was no one's fault; life just happened. Sometimes God disciplined me, but ALWAYS I emerged stronger and wiser…

The constant theme in my life has been God's faithfulness. He has always taken care of me and mine. Even when I couldn’t see it.

So I memorialize all of my stories; I never allow myself to forget.  I do this because it keeps me humble and grateful and most of all, it gives me hope for the future. It fills me with confidence to know that the same God who protected this careless 21 year old from major acid burns, will continue to be right by her side, throughout her life.

My Gratitude is my major armament against entitlement, complacency and depression.

My Gratitude helps me to shift my focus from my circumstances, (however dire they may appear) to the greatness of my God.

There was a young man I read about called Jacob. He was quite the manipulator. In a story with more drama than any Hollywood movie, Jacob betrayed his older twin brother, Esau and stole Esau's birthright. Esau was understandably furious and planned to kill Jacob.

So Jacob fled from his land, towards a very uncertain future, and possibly with some regret at what he had done to his brother. On the journey, he stopped for the night, and went to sleep, placing a stone under his head. That was when he had a most spectacular dream of a staircase leading to heaven, with angels going up and down the staircase. And then Jacob saw God himself, who reassured him that he would be fine, and that his life would go on, according to God’s amazing plan. This is what God said to Jacob in the dream:

“Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done that of which I have spoken to you." Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, "Surely the Lord is in this place; and I did not know it." Genesis 28: 15-16

The dream was so spectacular that Jacob knew that he could not afford to forget. So he built a memorial at that spot.

That's what I do too. I build a memorial whenever I recall all the good things God has done in my life. My gratitude is my memorial. By just remembering the things God has done in my life, it powerfully serves to remind me that surely, God is still working in my life and circumstances. And I am reassured that my life WILL go according to the amazing plan He has for me.

My gratitude is indeed my not-so-secret weapon.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! This Thankgiving, do make it a point to remember your blessings and the things God has brought you through. And then watch the powerful effect of your Gratitude begin to manifest in your life. 

Just Remember!


COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS (by Johnson Oatman Jr.)

When upon life’s billows you are tempest-tossed,

When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,

Count your many blessings, name them one by one,

And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.


Count your blessings, name them one by one,

Count your blessings, see what God has done!

Count your blessings, name them one by one,

And it will surprise you what the Lord has done


Are you ever burdened with a load of care?

Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear?

Count your many blessings, every doubt will fly,

And you will keep singing as the days go by.


Facebook 'Friends'

I was chatting with one of my sister-friends recently, and I asked her why I had

hadn't seen her on Facebook in a while. She responded, "I hardly go on Facebook anymore. Facebook makes me feel so disconnected!".

Her comment initially surprised me, because isn't the whole point of social media to connect people?

Admittedly, I have had limited involvement with social media. My exposure to Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat and Vine have all been courtesy of my children. I mainly only use WhatsApp and Facebook. 

And I admit, I like going on Facebook. I have been able to re-connect with many old friends through this medium.

Facebook has also given me the privilege of establishing connections with many wise and incredibly accomplished and beautiful people  from all over the world. 

I have become more knowledgable about many important issues, and I have gained an awareness of many good causes through Facebook. I love that!

Another reason I appreciate social media is because I am a 'transplant'; I have moved around a lot in my life, and Facebook provides a convenient and exciting way for me to keep up with all my friends around the world in real time!

I enjoy posting on Facebook, and I particularly like the feeling I get when people tell me that they feel connected to me through my posts and photos.

So I agree - social media is indeed a great connector. 

But as I thought more about my sister-friend's comment, I began to wonder, would it be possible to sustain close and enduring friendships if we only connected with our friends through our public posts on social media?

To help me answer my own question, I decided to look up the definitions of 'Connect' versus 'Friend':

To Connect:

  • To join together so as to provide access and communication;
  • To bring together or into contact so that a real or notional (hypothetical, theoretical) link is established; 
  • To identify with, equate with, relate to


  • A person whom one KNOWS and with whom one has a BOND of mutual affection;
  • A person who has a strong liking for and trust in another person; 
  • A person who helps or supports something.

My interpretation of these definitions is as follows: Facebook and other forms of social media provide a connection that can either be real or hypothetical. In other words, the connection one experiences from social media may or may not be real. 

So here is what I believe. I believe that it takes one-on-one PERSONAL interactions to actually move a connection along into the realm of a true friendship bond.

Social media provides a great opportunity to establish connections, but  in my opinion, it cannot do the full job of being a good friend.

The bible describes a real friend this way: "...a man of many companions may come to ruin, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother." (Proverbs 18:24)

And I love this biblical description of a true friend: "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor:   If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up..." (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)

I'm not saying that all social media connections are unreal and unprofitable. Far from it. 

But I believe that it takes much more than social media posts to develop true and lasting friendships.  

A person can be rich in Facebook friends and followers, but have no one to turn to when times are rough. And that is sad. 

Building a true friendship requires an investment of time. In today's fast paced world, we frequently complain that we don't have time to reach out to friends.

My gentle suggestion? Next time you find yourself mindlessly scrolling on social media, why don't you reach out to a friend?

  • Write that friend an encouraging note. Or call them on the phone to check up on them. Or plan to meet them for coffee or for a meal. 
  • Talk to your friend about sports, or faith or politics or pop culture. Or your hobbies. Or your hopes and dreams. Find out something about your friend that you didn't know. These are all ways of bonding. 

Reestablish a genuine connection with your friend. Be interested! Ask them how they are doing, and what is new in their lives. They might be going through a difficult time in their lives! And know this: people will open up when they are 'warmed up' and feel at ease. It takes time. 

If they do confide in you, just listen. Be there for them; you don't have to have the solutions to their problems. Be empathetic. Try not to be too invasive. 

It is widely known that social media platforms don't convey the real story of what someone might be going through. I agree. Facebook and other social media provide a snapshot of someone's life at a point in time. But you can't know just from a few photographs exactly what someone is going through. Therefore relying on your friend's public posts alone will not give you the information you need to be a good friend. 

Good friendships develop privately, not publically. 

Where a person invests their time and money is an indicator of what is really important to them. 

If you say someone is dear to you but then you don't  make the time to invest in that friendship then Im sorry, but you are not being a good friend!

Life is hectic, it's true. But if someone is important to you, you will make the time to reach out to them, and find out how they are REALLY doing. 

A real friend goes beyond just forwarding jokes (or those 'prayers' that ask you to "send to 12 people within 12 minutes...").

That conversation with my sister-friend was an eye-opener to me!

I have seen posters that say that true friends don't have to talk everyday to maintain their friendships. That may be true, to some extent. But friends who hardly talk, are putting their friendship on the line. 

Remember, social media can be a great connector, but an investment of time and love is NON-NEGOTIABLE in building a true friendship!

So if a friendship is REALLY important to you, then please - invest in it!!!


"A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow." ―William Shakespeare

"Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit." ―Aristotle

"Oooh I get by with a little help from my friends." —Joe Cocker

"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence." —George Washington



About six weeks ago, I sent a private group message on Facebook to some of my friends. I was doing research for a project. In the message, I asked my friends to answer a few questions on a particular experience I knew they had all been through. And I asked them to send me their replies privately.

Most of the people in the group were very happy to help me out with my request. A couple of my friends seemed a little skeptical initially, and had follow-up questions. One dear friend of mine left the group without saying anything to me.

For days I replayed what had happened in my mind, trying to figure out the most likely reason for this. It felt awkward to ask my friend. Eventually I came up with a story to explain what had happened: she thought I was being too nosy and annoying, and as a result, she had decided to cut ties with me. I felt sad and rejected.

Ah, the stories we tell ourselves…!

If you have ever thought about it, I’m pretty sure you will agree with this fact: storytelling is a big part of our existence. Storytelling is embedded our genes.

Throughout the centuries, humans have communicated messages and life-lessons through stories, fables and parables. Have you noticed that it is easier to read fiction books than non-fiction books? And when you are trying to grasp a concept, isn’t it easier when you are given a story example?

Stories are powerful! Stories have the power to shape our emotions and ultimately our lives. A story can sound very different, and lead you to very different conclusions, depending on what you focus on and how you tell that story.

The stories we tell ourselves can either help or hurt us in our lives and our relationships. As human beings, we are constantly telling ourselves stories. And when we don’t have complete information, our tendency is to make up stories to fill in the gaps.

Why is that? It’s because our brains are wired to recognize patterns. Our brains actually look out for patterns in our everyday lives and our behaviors. The brain feels comfortable when it can predict what comes next.  Our brains like predictable patterns.

Our brains also like to solve puzzles. In fact, science has shown that the brain is ‘rewarded’ with a surge of the ‘feel-good’ brain chemical dopamine, when we figure out a pattern or solve a puzzle. You know that triumphant feeling you get when you solve a crossword puzzle or Word Search, or when you figure out a Sudoku puzzle? That’s good old dopamine at work!

In the absence of full information, the brain will tend to make up a story. The story doesn’t have to be accurate; as long as the brain feels ‘certain’, then it is ‘rewarded’ with dopamine for reaching a conclusion.

The brain does not like to deal with uncertainty; therefore it will make up a story, or make certain assumptions to take the place of missing information, so as to allow it to arrive at a conclusion.

In my example above, the conclusion I came to, (or in other words, the story I told myself), was that I had gone too far in asking for that kind of personal information, and as a result, my friend was offended and had decided to cut me off. I really started to believe that I had lost a friend, I mean what other explanation could there be, right?

So, what DO you do when you find yourself feeling a little ‘off’ because of an interaction you had with someone?

Don’t deny your feelings; recognize that something has upset you. You may feel physical symptoms such as: Tears, Anxiety (racing heart, racing thoughts, churning stomach), Anger (the smallest thing just ‘sets you off’), Replaying the event over and over in your mind, Feeling numb (or emotionally detached).

Identify your emotions; use ‘feeling’ words: (for e.g. disappointed, hurt, sad, angry, confused, scared, worried, ashamed, embarrassed).

Allow yourself to ‘feel’ your feelings, otherwise you will internalize them, which will only make them fester and grow.

Ask yourself WHY you are feeling this way. What is setting you off? Chances are you don’t have full information about the incident. And as a result, you have made up a story about it, which you believe. These stories that we make up are called CONFABULATIONS!

A confabulation in this context is when we fill in gaps in our knowledge by coming up with fabrications that we BELIEVE. When we make up confabulations, we are not deliberately trying to lie, or to muddy the facts. Our brains actually do believe the story we are telling ourselves.

CONFABULATIONS ARE UNTRUE STORIES THAT WE TELL OURSELVES! Confabulations are NOT truth! Confabulations are stories driven by our emotions!

So next time you are upset, tell your brain that it cannot make up a conclusion without complete information. Challenge yourself and figure out where you may have come up with any confabulations.

Train yourself to challenge your first thought about any upsetting situation! Our first thought is usually driven by our emotions and insecurities. Think of your first thought as your first draft. It is incomplete. It is “the story you are making up.” And it is untrue. Why? Because it is based on confabulations!

Some of the underlying insecurities at the root of our confabulations are:

§  I’m not good enough

§  I’m not worthy of love

§  I don’t measure up

§  I don’t belong

§  I don’t fit in

§  Nobody likes me

§  Nobody understands me

§  I’m a failure

§  I’m going to fail

§  They will think I’m an idiot

My fear of rejection was at the root of the confabulation I came up with in my real life example.

So let me finish my story. I found out a few weeks later that my friend had been dealing with some serious medical issues at the precise time she had decided to leave my group.

Get the drift? My friend leaving the group had nothing to do with any of the conclusions I had made, and which had caused me stress! I had completely confabulated!

So next time, before you go creating confabulations that will only make you miserable, here are 3 critically important questions to ask yourself:

§  What additional information do I need to get about the situation?

§  What additional information do I need to get about the people involved in the situation?

§  What additional information do I need to find out about myself?

I realized that I could have saved myself a lot of grief, if only I had sought out more information.

Don’t be caught in your confabulations!


(NB: a lot of the wisdom here is gleaned from the book ‘Rising Strong’ by Brené Brown)



Birthday Reflections

This journal entry was made a few days ago, on my birthday:

What a wonderful day I had today! I spent the day with my family, and I received lots of birthday messages and good wishes! I felt incredibly loved today. 

A couple of highlights from today: Son traveled through the night on a Greyhound bus from college just so he could be here when I woke up! And Daughter's birthday message to me this year...well I have no words...

Material things are of limited importance, as far as I'm concerned. The genuine love of family and friends, that's where the true wealth lies. 

I turned 46 today. With age, I like to think that I've also grown wiser. But with more wisdom there has also been a keen and sometimes uncomfortable  awareness of my character flaws. However I also know that it is precisely because of my shortcomings that I came to experience this amazing Grace of my God! This Grace is completely unmerited in my life. Yet He continues to favor me. And I know that He is still working in me!

AND so, as my birthday winds to a close, my most enduring thought is this: the thing I am most grateful for, is this: the Grace of God upon my life.... 


A September Re•Vision

So this is already the last quarter of 2015, and September is fast drawing to a close.

Did you know: although September is the ninth month of the year, it used to be the seventh month on the Roman calendar?  In fact the word ‘September’ comes from ‘Septem’, which is the Latin word for ‘seven’. In the Bible, seven is the number that represents completeness and perfection.

So going with this theme of completeness, September is actually great month to take stock of your year so far, and make any needed changes.

What New Year’s resolutions did you set at the beginning of 2015? Are you on track to reaching and accomplishing those targets?

And if you didn’t keep up with those resolutions and goals, what held you back?

One of the most powerful relationships that impact our effectiveness, our happiness and even our health and well-being is the relationship between our thoughts, our feelings and our actions (behavior). 

Our thoughts affect how we feel and how we behave.

So if you think a happy thought, you will feel happy and that will be evident in your behavior. By the same token, if you think sad and defeated thoughts, you will feel sad and defeated, and that will also be evident in your behavior.

We are a product of our thoughts! Get this - the average person thinks about 45,000 thoughts per day! Some of these are fully conscious thoughts, but many of these thoughts are based on what we believe, on our memories and our perceptions. Some of these thoughts are snippets of ideas. Our thoughts affect our emotions.  Our thoughts can even affect our health.

So before September – the month of completeness – ends, explore what hasn’t worked for you this year. Then ask yourself these two questions: what thoughts and beliefs about myself are holding me back? What thoughts need to change so I can become more complete?

Pick one or two thoughts, and change them to positive thoughts that will work to improve your life.

Change your thoughts, change your life!


Why is my blog called Re•Vision?

Re•Vision - The Blog

It's never too late to review, assess and make changes, whether the changes are for a product, a project or for yourself.  In fact this process of fine-tuning is critical to make something the best that it can be.  That's my purpose for this blog, which I am naming "Re•Vision".

Hopefully you will glean pockets of wisdom that will encourage you to make the necessary changes to allow you to become your best self!

Sincerely, Aba




noun: revision

  1. synonyms:emendationcorrectionalterationadaptation, editing, rewriting, redrafting More

    "a revision of the fifth chapter"

    reconsideration, re-examination, reassessment, re-evaluation, review, reappraisal, rethink;


    "a major revision of the system"
