A September Re•Vision

So this is already the last quarter of 2015, and September is fast drawing to a close.

Did you know: although September is the ninth month of the year, it used to be the seventh month on the Roman calendar?  In fact the word ‘September’ comes from ‘Septem’, which is the Latin word for ‘seven’. In the Bible, seven is the number that represents completeness and perfection.

So going with this theme of completeness, September is actually great month to take stock of your year so far, and make any needed changes.

What New Year’s resolutions did you set at the beginning of 2015? Are you on track to reaching and accomplishing those targets?

And if you didn’t keep up with those resolutions and goals, what held you back?

One of the most powerful relationships that impact our effectiveness, our happiness and even our health and well-being is the relationship between our thoughts, our feelings and our actions (behavior). 

Our thoughts affect how we feel and how we behave.

So if you think a happy thought, you will feel happy and that will be evident in your behavior. By the same token, if you think sad and defeated thoughts, you will feel sad and defeated, and that will also be evident in your behavior.

We are a product of our thoughts! Get this - the average person thinks about 45,000 thoughts per day! Some of these are fully conscious thoughts, but many of these thoughts are based on what we believe, on our memories and our perceptions. Some of these thoughts are snippets of ideas. Our thoughts affect our emotions.  Our thoughts can even affect our health.

So before September – the month of completeness – ends, explore what hasn’t worked for you this year. Then ask yourself these two questions: what thoughts and beliefs about myself are holding me back? What thoughts need to change so I can become more complete?

Pick one or two thoughts, and change them to positive thoughts that will work to improve your life.

Change your thoughts, change your life!
