Mike Tyson's White Tigers

Do you often feel drained? Not enough energy to get important things accomplished? Well I just read an article by Elizabeth Gilbert (author of Eat, Love, Pray) that got me thinking.

Maybe the problem isn't your metabolism or thyroid or diet. It could be about Mike Tyson's white tigers!

Boxing great Mike Tyson at some point owned 2 white tigers. He even did a photo shoot with one of his tigers. Mike, draped in nothing but loin cloth; oiled muscles gleaming in the sun, holding on to his tiger with a chain leash. Man asserting dominance over glorious beast. The ultimate status symbol.

I imagine that the intent was to make Mike look powerful and majestic by putting him next to a powerful and majestic animal. But apparently Mike just looked tired. (Disclaimer: I haven't seen that photo!).

Why is this tidbit of information remotely relevant to your life? Well, because Mike says he is now broke. After a career with mega highs that earned him millions of dollars.

He apparently bought six mansions, over 100 luxury vehicles and even purchased a gold two million dollar bathtub!

Oh, and also those 2 magnificent white tigers.

The point of this post isnt to bash Mike Tyson. Yet here is the thing - though Mike says he is broke now, the reality is that he earned plenty of money in his boxing career. But he chose to spend it foolishly.

Likewise even though we complain about being drained, perhaps the problem isn't really that we have "low energy". The real culprit might be that we are expending our energy foolishly!

On unhealthy relationships, toxic friendships, addictions, trying to keep up with the Joneses, pretending to be something we are not.

These are all energy-depleters and life-wasters!

Figuratively, they are like Mike Tyson's white tigers. We fool ourselves into believing that we need them. We chain ourselves to them; fixating our attention on them. And we use up all our energy trying to maintain them.

And just like Mike squandered his money on useless things, ultimately, those white tigers in our lives will bankrupt us spiritually, emotionally and physically.

How to get out of this dysfunctional rut? Do some soul-searching. Stop lying to yourself. Identify those white tigers in your life. Unchain yourself from them.

Once those negative energy-busters are gone, watch your energy and creativity flow back!


So pay close attention to how you live—not as unwise people but as wise. Make the most of your time because the days are evil.  

Ephesians 5:15-16

(Source: "If She Hollers" by Elizabeth Gilbert)
