This morning I switched from my usual morning radio station because, quite frankly, 10 minutes of non-stop christmas carols was more than I was willing to listen to today.

But boy, I'm sure glad I did change the station. Because I then heard this wonderful illustration on self-worth that I can't resist sharing:

If somebody were to offer you a $20 bill, you would take it, wouldn't you? Of course you would. One can do a lot with a $20 bill. 

But chances are, that particular $20 bill has seen a lot of bad. It may have been used in a drug deal gone bad, where someone was killed. Or it may have been used to fund a terrorist organization. Any number of things could have to done to, or with that particular $20 bill.

But if it were offered to you, wouldn't you still take it? After all, why not? It's still worth $20! 

A higher authority gave that $20 bill its value, and nothing can take that away. No matter what that particular $20 bill has been used for or involved in, in times past.

Same with us. Nothing we have done and nothing we have been through, changes our worth. This worth was built into us; conferred on us by God. 

Someone with a higher authority than you, gave you your value. Your value is built into you. NOTHING you have done, or been through, can take that away!! 

You were born with immeasurable value. And that value has not diminished. Not in the least. 

Now that is something worth remembering!!
